Saturday, December 10, 2011

Waiting Day 1

Time travelled:     zip
 Nautical miles:    zip
 Docked at:         The Moorings, Carrabelle, Florida

Well, nothing like a twelve hour sleep to make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Now, if only I could get my hair done I would feel human once again.
We walked downtown,stopping at the next marina on the way to see if we knew anyone there. No, we did not, there were a few looper boats but there but no one around. We continued on our way stopping at the "tourist information", I asked for a town map but there isn't such a thing. The man there said pretty much what you can see from here is the town.  A hardware store, a coffee shop, two second hand stores and a closed pharmacy - Saturday and it was closed.  On the way back to the boat we came across the worlds smallest police station.
The town had their Christmas parade tonight - free chicken dinner and then the parade followed by fireworks.
We walked back downtown for the dinner but came back to the boat for the parade because his majesty does not like fireworks, Garth forgot his wallet and it was cold!
The blurr of a boat in the parade

The smallest police station and our new hose!

Preparing for the parade

More preparations

"Grogger" aka Stan and Barbara had rented a car from Apalachicola and driven over so they came back to the boat and watched the parade with us.