Friday, October 14, 2011

We finished the Illinois!!

 Time travelled:  9 hours, one lock 
 Nautical miles:  77
 Docked at:        Grafton Marina

These people are ready for the next flood. 

The book said the last twenty miles of the Illinois were the prettiest - I think the person who wrote the book must have been drinking the whole way down the river.  We did see this on the last twenty miles : you tell me what the guy is doing !

We saw stand up boards in Georgian Bay, but never saw anyone sitting down jumping wakes and doing spins --  looks like fun eh!

Off he goes.

Well, five long days on the river has left the three of us all very tired.  We may stay here for a rest day tomorrow. We are about a mile from the Mississippi and once we start it there is a place to tie up about 66 miles down the river and then we have two nights where we will have to drop the anchor and dingy Zeke to shore! Chances of having internet are slim to nil.