Saturday, October 15, 2011

Staying put for a few days!

Time travelled: Nautical miles: Docked at:

We found a local vet with a digital x-ray machine so we have decided to get Zekes xrays here on Monday morning. He is about the same as when we left, seems to be very tired and has no appetite. He was eating hot dogs for a few days so I went to get those. Now, he has decided hot dogs are tasteless and he discovered deli-turkey. He sniffs everything to see if there is a pill in it, so, it is back to the spit it down the throat Dr. Bob method of giving pills. We keep telling ourselves that it has only been a month and we know that it is a long slow recovery. Still keeping our fingers crossed. 

Busy day cleaning today - Garth is doing the outside which means it will take hours cause people stop to talk, I am doing the inside vacuuming and baking banana bread.  It feels good to have a somewhat relaxing day!

You can see by the "SPOT" when we start to move again.  If all goes well with Zeke on Monday we will pull out Tuesday.