Monday, October 10, 2011


NOTE OUR NEW FEATURE:  - on the left hand side of the page - Click here for our current location` -click on it and you can see exactly where we are, where we have come from and probably be able to figure out where we are going! 

Time travelled:  8.5 hours
 Nautical miles:  42.3 NM
 Docked at: Joliet Park Wall

We entered Calumet Harbor and headed down the Cal Sag Channel, it was slow going as we were in the centre of a full on industrial waterway. There were oil refineries, gravel, sand,grain,steel and even rocks .... we like it when the rocks are visible on shore! It seemed to go on and on and on. Well, it did go on and on! About 11:30 we entered the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal - we meet up with our first barge - he was taking dead aim for us and then turned into a basin to unload. The barges are huge and powerful so we give them lots of space, time and respect. Our first lock today was less than a meter drop - hardly noticeable.  The 19.1 bridge was a piece of cake, I had to duck as we went under - I guess if Garth saw my head roll off the stern he would know we didn`t quite make it!!  Next time there is a low bridge I am going to drive and send him up to the flybridge to gauge the clearance.
As we moved along the waterway the scenery improved and the trees are changing. I love this time of year.
We got held up at our second lock , a barge of chemicals had the right of way - we waited about an hour and a half. The next lock was only five miles downstream, so we called and asked what our chances were of getting through, another 2 hour wait so we decided to stay in Joliet tonight. One of the guidebooks we have says to call the town to let them know you are here and if it is after hours to call the police - so like law abiding citizens we did that. The police station is right across the river and they had watched us dock ... we were told patrol cars would be by regularly and so far they have. Reassuring or scary....  About a half hour after we docked another Looper came in - we got together for walltails - no dock here. We now understand why the lock-keepers in the Erie were so miserable to us - they accept bribes - coffee, ice cream bars, tips ! Who knew........certainly not Something Special or Algonquin!
Will post some pics soon.