Sunday, January 13, 2013

Random pictures of Farmer Cay

High and Dry again - wonder if there are any beers in that cooler?
I forgot to mention the high and dry situation we found ourselves in after the long trek across the cay and through the cave. So, we hiked across the whole Cay, and stopped at the cave for a look see - it was awesome. Then we spent a long time combing the shore for hidden trash, shells and gold. Back across the Cay we went and low and behold Con was high and dry! The big problem was that there was no bar to get beer and no restaurant to get dinner. So, Dan and Garth sat and Judy and I went shelling. Eventually, we pushed Con out into the water and all jumped aboard.

Another shot of the cave
The Five F Festival originated here

 The Five F Festival is the FIRST FRIDAY in FEBRUARY FARMERS FESTIVAL, we are planning on returning for it and have already pre-ordered our lobsters from Aiden.
runway/road combination
Conch Hill
My shell collection so far, the two large brown "things " are sea beans
Sting Ray in Little Harbor
Little Harbor Farmers Cay, note police car in background
Zeke on the Beach
Watching the action 
 Truck coming off the barge! (Algonquin in the background)

Farmers Cay Yacht Club

In the way of a small world story - so here we are in Farmers Cay, population 60. The Farmers Cay Marina and Yacht Club has room for 4 boats maximum.  Yesterday a sail boat from Port Dover pulls in, Andy and Debra are aboard. So, we get talking because Port Dover is close to Simcoe and Port Rowan where Garths family is from.  Turns out that Debra works in home improvements and just before she came down in December one of her jobs was wallpapering Garths cousins bathroom in Simcoe!!!! 

We are leaving here tomorrow morning and heading south. Will probably not hit civilization again for a week or so.