Friday, October 21, 2011

Civilization at last!

Time travelled:     5 hours
 Nautical miles:    30
 Docked at:           Green Turtle Bay, Kentucky

We rounded the corner and went about 3 miles up the Cumberland River - Peter on Rio Grand called back to tell us he had hit a wall of fog and was tucked in behind a barge. Great ! We waited about half an hour until the fog lifted and proceeded up the river. It was much prettier than anything else we had been on in the last few days. A little bit of industry but mostly rural landscape. Had one lock today and it was big - fairly new so the inside was solid, not like Lock 53 on the Ohio with the huge holes.  We saw several deer, herons and arriving at Green Turtle Bay we saw Canada Geese.  Speaking of arriving at Green Turtle Bay, for the first time we hit bottom. Luckily it was soft and we did not do any damage.
When we docked we were greeted by Daria from "Muddy Waters" - we had not seen them since Myrtle Beach. The Samway family are doing the loop and boatschooling the kids as they go. What an amazing experience and what great kids!  We also meet  some fellow Canucks doing the loop on a sailboat and the Loopers from "Sea Ya" who anchored in the Cumberland with us last night.
We rented a car for a week so that we can get Zeke (fingers still crossed) and do a bit of exploring. Perhaps Nashville?
Dr. Van Walleghen  (Zekes new buddy) called this afternoon and we will know more tomorrow after the blood work but he wants to keep Zeke until Monday.

Cumberland Tow Island Anchorage

Rio Grand waiting for the Barkley Lock
When we went to get the car we had to go to Panucah - we stopped at the CVS, Wal Mart and Lowes then went to the Kountry Kitchen BBQ for dinner -  it was like being in a time warp. The prices were incredible - $7.99 for a half rack of ribs with all the fixins and the hair do's on the women were right out of the 60's! Could be that we are just exhausted and our eyes were playing tricks on us - will hold any further comments about Kentucky women until we check this out further.
We are staying here for a week.